On October 18, career-break dreamers and veterans alike will gather simultaneously in 17 cities nationwide for the 2nd annual Meet,Plan,Go!
In each location, a savvy panel will provide the punch, while a local host will run the circus. In Mpls, that’s Me.
One of them is true travel guru, Jeff Jung. I mean, this guy not only globe-hops like the Energizer Bunny, he also blogs like the best and creates amazing videos to help folks get going (among other things). Surf his world to see just how righteous a sabbatical site can be.
Despite his travels and tech tasks, Jeff found time to collect the short stories and faces from the other 16 hosts. It’s a captivating crew—with surprisingly NOT that much in common—ranging from youngish to oldish, from solo to family, from selfless volunteers to shameless vagabonds. Please meet just a few…
I could go on and on. But the far more fascinating option would be to wander around some of these suave sites.
Good luck and Godspeed to my fellow hosts—and thanks, Jeff!