FOTOFRIDAY: -40°F Winchills (No Big Deal)

Not my best snow art creation. But when you only have a few minutes until your face freezes, you throw standards to the wind and work fast.
The Content Committee apologizes for two frozen-lake FotoFriday shots in a row. But such is life around here. I insist that spending some time outside every day remains essential to sanity. And the Dark Daze are not so bad; one gets creative. Cleans out closets. Unplugs and seeks a rarified, zenny peace.
As for the “Travelog” label in the categories, that’s the Committee’s sense of humor. See, this Thought Leader ain’t going nowhere warm. (Though I will. Someday.) Even though I have spent entire winters—and longer—away. But things change. So why not enjoy this singular experience while I still can? I won’t live on this beautiful body of water/ice (that’s become part of my soul) forever. Frisbee with Heinies on the beach can wait. Hope I can!
Be. Here. Now.
Keep the faith…