My Jimmy Moment

Posted on: Monday, January 27th, 2025
Posted in: SoulTrain | One comment

IMG_4873.jpegPhoto: Willie Nelson (a friend of Jimmy) & Family, Somerset, WI, 6-23-23

(NOTE: Although ALL the attention lately is on a certain reality star who just became president, our eldest statesman—from a very different values platform—recently passed away at the age of 100. Flags fly at half-mast for a month when presidents pass, although the new president demanded that this respectful practice stop for his inauguration—for another historical first.)

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I met Jimmy Carter in my teens. For much of my life, I was politically active—in both parties—which have both changed immeasurably over the decades.

I worked in a congressman’s office. I spent a long election day campaigning person to person with a US senator; he lost. Attended conventions, hung out in HQs, saw most presidents.

But I only met one president. Jimmy. Iowa was a political hub. So in 1976, when nine presidential candidates came to speak to a large audience, I went—with friends of varied convictions. There were contenders with bigger names, but when Jimmy took the stage, smiled, and said, “My name is Jimmy Carter and I’m running for President,” the awe was palpable. And I was moved.

So after the endless event, when the candidates worked the crowd in what was a folksy place and time, I saw Jimmy and moved toward him. To my shock, two large men in dark suits picked me up under each armpit, carried me several feet, and dropped me. Then one leaned close and commanded, “Don’t approach the candidate from the rear.”

“Okay!” I replied, as I brushed them away and thought to myself, “Holy shit…Is this guy gonna be the next president?” Now excited, I moved slowly around Jimmy to the not-long line, avoiding the stares of the Big Suits.

Moments later, I introduced myself. Jimmy shook my hand and flashed that famous smile and beamed, “I’m very pleased to meet you, Kirk. What brings you here today?”

“Just curious,” I grinned, “Guess I thought maybe I’d get to meet the next president—you never know.”

Jimmy’s other hand landed on my shoulder, and he laughed, “Well, I hope you just did!”

“Me too,” I replied, and not just because that felt like the right thing to say. We chatted for a moment. And as the line quickly grew behind us, I realized I should move on before the Big Suits took charge.

With eye contact and a smile that never wavered, Jimmy finished our chat, “It was so nice to meet you, Kirk. Thanks for being here today—I hope our paths cross again.” They didn’t of course. But for a moment, I felt the presence of greatness, and yet like an old friend.

For a moment, he made me feel like I mattered. Like we all mattered.

To paraphrase Mr. Mondale, Jimmy Carter told the truth, obeyed the law, and kept the peace.


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