Summer: The Original Sabbatical

Posted on: Wednesday, June 29th, 2011
Posted in: SoulTrain, Blog | 3 comments

Summer arrives in Minnesota like molasses in January.  So when it finally hits, we again learn the thrill of life in the slow lane.  Oh sure, schedules scream for attention even during the sultry months.  But this Summer Guy still reveres the 3-month break of his youth—and reckons the 5 5-word Mantras harken back too. 

  • It’s not a financial decision.  In summer, the best things are free—like swimming, bandshell concerts, and Hammock time. 
  • Everything is right on schedule.  Calendars and clocks will not dictate when the corn is ripe or the BBQ is ready, but you’ll know exactly when it’s time. 
  • When all else fails, punt.  Your baseball team keeps losing?  It rained on your 4th of July parade?  Boat motor won’t start?  Don’t sweat it!  Just grab a book or a beer, and kick it. 
  • I’m determining my own destiny.  Careers and IRAs matter much, of course.  But just for today, try living just for today; don’t postpone fishing! 
  • You can go home again.  Summer is a great time for a road trip to your childhood campground, your faraway friends, or Grandma’s farm.  They’re waiting for you. 

So get off your digitalia.  Get out in the light.  And get your summer groove on. 

After all, summer is and was the Original Sabbatical.  Lucky for us, it rolls into our lives every blessed year.

3 Responses to “Summer: The Original Sabbatical”

  1. Sherry Ott Says:

    Ahhh – Love it Kirk. I love my summers; they always bring great adventures! And yes – it is a good time for a road trip…to Mongolia.

  2. kirk Says:

    Ah, Sherry…Only YOU would scheme up a summer road trip to Mongolia. Hope you’re having a wonderful season, wherever you are…

  3. BreakAway » Blog Archive » Unplugging: Mission Impossible? Says:

    […] summer.  Dive into it before the long days fade into fall, right? (LINK my summer post.) Do more bar-b-que and less […]

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