Typical Job Stint? Just 5 Years

Posted on: Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Posted in: HR FYI, Blog | 5 comments

P1010346Like this tractor, most of us will keep running and working for a long, long time.  Like this tractor, we need to take a break (brake?) now and then.

Yes, just about everyone will have gaps between jobs—whether you like it or not.  Let’s do the math:

The average job tenure is now 5 years; most folks will work about 50 years; that’s about 10 career break opportunities between gigs!

When presented with the idea of a BreakAway, most folks’ first response is, “Oh, I could never do that!”  And yet, isn’t it likely to happen at some point?

If you don’t find your career break, maybe it will find you.  With so many jobs and so little free time, we can only hope.

It pays to be ready.

Survey sez…

  • 5.2 Median number of years that full-time workers stay in their jobs (in 2010).
  • 5.1 Median job tenure for women in 2010, an increase from 4.2 years in 1983.
  • 5.3 Median job tenure for men in 2010, a drop from 5.9 years in 1983.

Employee Benefit Research Institute

5 Responses to “Typical Job Stint? Just 5 Years”

  1. Tom Tanner Says:

    Wow – a new norm?
    Healthier, happier, more interesting, opportunities for reflection, random thought and exploration, etc. How many of today’s “issues” would be avoided? Embrace it!! Plan for it.
    Do it.

  2. Lynn Says:

    Oh I’m more than ready for all these career breaks; in fact, I’m on one now. My problem is finding a job after I return to the States. THAT is the cause of my stress, not the career break.

  3. Tweets that mention BreakAway » Blog Archive » Typical Job Stint? Just 5 Years -- Topsy.com Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sherry Ott and BriefcasetoBackpack, Lori Palarchio. Lori Palarchio said: RT @CareerBreakHQs: A typical job stint is 5 years = 10 #careerbreak opportunities in your life via @breakawayguy http://ht.ly/3TUsh #me … […]

  4. kirk Says:

    Hey Lynn. You’re on a career break now? I’m all green jello! Yes, finding a job when you return will be stressful, but someone will be impressed with your experience and independence. So keep the faith–and keep us posted!

  5. Interview With Michaela Potter About Career Break Basic Training And Extended Travel | foXnoMad Says:

    […] friend Kirk Horsted of Break Away points out, with most people working for about 50 years, that’s approximately 10 career break opportunities between […]

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