11 BreakAway Resolutions for ’11

Posted on: Saturday, January 1st, 2011
Posted in: SoulTrain, Blog | Leave a comment

P2100085Folks have been making self-improvement promises since, well, Babylonia. The Romans did it too—while worshipping the two-faced god Janus (no relation to the mutual fund, but closely related to the month). Nowadays, resolutions make for great toasts, but usually turn to toast by Valentine’s Day.

So how about New Year’s Aspirations instead?  And why not things to strive for every day, rather than over 365?  Mine are simple—likely same as 2010.  Yet I’ll know a better year (and me!) is in store with even modest progress…

  • One hour outside, whether kayaking, sitting, gardening, or shoveling shnow.
  • Read from a well-written book, if only one page.
  • Go adrift on the internet and Facebook—only when there’s nothing better to do.
  • Stretch and do that sorta-yoga routine, especially first thing in the morning.
  • That said, sleep long whenever possible and practice good Z hygiene.
  • Get exercise—and try to make it fun (kayaking) and useful (yardword) instead of torturous (machines).
  • Eat more, so long as it’s a whole foodstuff and not from a geometric container.
  • Ditch stuff, as in, reduce the possession piles by, say, 15 – 25%.
  • Make more mini-BreakAways, like the river retreat and Hmong Market stopover.
  • Take more saunas, hot baths, midnight swims.
  • Shut up and listen to music, friends, family, nature, and silence.

What are your aspirations for 2011?  I’m listening.

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