College Grads Get Zen, Not Jobs

Posted on: Friday, June 12th, 2009
Posted in: SoulTrain, Blog | Leave a comment

This thoughtful commentary puts a nice philosophical spin on the rough time college grads are having finding good work.  It’s a bummer, I know:  Unemployment was around 10% when I graduated in 1983.  But now as then, life goes on.  And while few of us got career starts ASAP, we all survived and, frankly, may have had more fun.  And Zen. 

Writer Brian Till points out that less than 20% are finding jobs now, down from 51% in 2007.  The flip side?  Applications for Teach for America and the Peace Corps are way up.  And young people can consider options (and careers) for criteria other than fast-tracked financial success…

As Till sums it up,

It has given them the unapologetic opportunity to take on anything available without shame or the imperative that it be part of a broader, meticulously mapped future. For many, I contend, it might be a blessing in disguise, even a liberation.”

That’s BreakAway thinking.  Go for a life- (and world-) changing experience while you can.  The cube farm will wait. 

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