HomeSchooling Report Card: B

Posted on: Monday, January 19th, 2009
Posted in: Work/Life Hacking, Blog | 2 comments

The first trimester has ended.  So it’s time for an achievement report on how the Parent is progressing as an educator.
  • Math:  Parent has exhibited basic understanding of teaching math, but sometimes fails to appreciate “new math” and often seems unable to make math “fun.”  Parent was delusional in thinking that completion of Modules 4 and 5 would be easy.  Using card games as teaching tools is controversial. 
  • Music:  Forgetting the bass lesson book was a major mistake.  But Parent has recovered and shown creativity by substituting guitar and instituting “Bob Marley lessons.”  More practice would ensure that CurlyGirl masters lyrics to “3 Little Birds” and “Lime in de Coconut.”  AllBoy’s affinity for feeln de riddims and using various sticks and shakers to keep the beat has earned him some unexpected percussion extra credit. 
  • Reading:  Parent should have realized that small islands don’t have libraries, and brought  more vampire books for AllBoy, who burned through about 3,000 pages of the Twilight series in the first 2 weeks.  Parent has successfully supported CurlyGirl’s budding reading skills by procuring local sourcebooks including “Away to Bequia.” 
  • Art:  Parent has satisfactorily trained AllBoy how to use, not lose, and take care of digital camera, and maintain a multi-media weblog (  CurlyGirl’s felt board has proven to be a worthy tool for imagination, though Parent’s sketches are often indecipherable.
  • Writing:  Parent has a tendency toward verbosity, but demonstrates enthusiasm.  Can be harsh in instructing AllBoy to “write your blog!”  Should have brought more paper for CurlyGirl. 
  • P.E.  Parent was smart to bring basketball and baseball gear for AllBoy, but failed to realize that basketball courts and flat spaces do not exist on mountainous islands.  Has successfully organized vigorous dancing sessions for CurlyGirl to steel-pan-drums and guitarists, however, and taught both children good snorkel and bodysurfing skills. 

2 Responses to “HomeSchooling Report Card: B”

  1. scott Says:

    well parent, you didn’t mention attendance. i hope AB hasn’t been playin’ hooky. i think steel drums at the point is going to be necessary. wonderful pics as usual, love the squall!

  2. BreakAway » Blog Archive » Break Kids Away From This Madness! Says:

    […] sure, textbooks are important. That’s why I diligently tried home schooling when island-hopping. And while it wasn’t much” fun” at the time, as is true with many […]

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